
2020-04-24 教育 149阅读
  推销在如今已是一个非常普遍的现象,大街小巷比比皆是,频繁的骚扰电话也让很多人深恶痛绝,更多的是无奈……Top Sentences 例句:1。 Could I interest you in coming in to have a look at the wide range of computer equipment my company has to offer?有兴趣过来看看我公司提供的多种计算机设备吗?2。
   I don't want to hear, you get out!我不想再听了,你给我滚!3。 Sir, I know you feel angry, so I'll come visit you next time!先生,我知道你在生气,这样我改天再来拜访你!4。
   At this time I am not interested in your products。这个阶段我对这个产品不感兴趣。5。 Do me a favor, and please permanently remove me from your calling list。
  请帮帮忙,把我的号码从你们的电话单中除去好吗?6。 I will not be needing your products in the future。我以后也不需要这种产品。Dialogue 对话:Jasmine: Mr。 Smith, Mr。
   Black is here to see you。茉莉:史密斯先生,布莱尔先生要见你。Mr。 Smith: What does he want?史密斯先生:他要做什么?Jasmine: I don't know。 I think he'll sell something。
  茉莉:我不知道,他说他要推销东西。Mr。 Smith: I'm very busy。 Please tell him I'm not here。史密斯先生:我很忙。告诉他我不在。Jasmine:All right, sir。茉莉:好的,先生。
  Mr。 Smith: Please don't interrupt me for anything else。史密斯先生:别再让任何事打扰我。