求托福蓝Delta Quiz4口语Question 3答题模板 Question: The man expresses his opinion about the

2020-04-26 教育 95阅读
1、题目关键词:state his opinion, explain the reasons
(1)briefly summarize the man's opinion.
(2)state the reasons the man gives for his opinion.
(1) The university invites all students to take part in a daylong career
workshop and resource fair.
(2) The resource fair will provide information on employment in the
region and educational programs at the university.
(1)The man recommended the woman to go to the free career workshop.
(2)The man thinks that talking to business people is one of the best ways
of finding out what's going on.
(3)The woman should go there despite the fact that her major is not
business because talking to people who work in the field is beneficial.
(4)This workshop is more important than the test because the university
has only one of these workshops each year.
(1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the
reading passage) and the listening material is the a conversation between 2
students (or a professor and a student) on this (notice, announcement,
(2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that ...
(3) In the talk, the man (or the woman) thinks that ... He has a couple
of reasons for his opinion.
(4) First,... Second,...