求托福蓝Delta Test3口语Question 3答题模板 Question: The man expresses his opinion about the

2020-08-22 教育 101阅读
1、题目关键词:state his opinion, explain the reasons
(1)briefly summarize the man's opinion.
(2)state the reasons the man gives for his opinion.
(1) All students who are enrolled in a lecture course in the Social Sciences division must also register for a one-credit discussion section for that course.
(2) Students will receive a grade for the discussion section that is separate from their final examination grade for the lecture course.
(1)The man likes the discussion section.
(2)The lecture course is not enough because the professor cannot cover everything, and asking the professor questions is not easy.
(3)Discussion class is a good opportunity to talk to professors and other students, and it's easier to get a high grade.
(1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is the a conversation between 2 students (or a professor and a student) on this (notice, announcement, proposal).
(2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that ...
(3) In the talk, the man (or the woman) agrees or disagrees with the (decision,proposal, announcement or notice). He has 2 reasons for his choice.
(4) First,... Second,...