求托福蓝Delta Test1口语Question6答题模板 Question: Using points and examples from the lectur

2022-08-05 教育 83阅读
1、题目关键词:points and examples, explain how
(1)summarize the features of the communication between babies and mothers.
(2)use examples to explain how the communication is musical in nature.
(1)Timing: a mother and a baby have a shared sense of timing. A baby can
make sounds with a musical inflection when talking to his mother. The
interplay is musical.
(2)Baby talk: a special and musical language. The meaning of vocabularies
lies in the music of the sounds.
(1)In the listening material, the professor discusses the communication
between babies and mothers.
(2)The first musical feature is ... For example, ...
(3)The second ...