求托福蓝Delta Quiz2口语Question1答题模板Question: Describe a city or town where you have live

2020-09-23 教育 82阅读
(1)specifically reveal the name of the city and point out whether it is good or bad.
(2)ideally include two reasons for your answer.
(1)Beijing, good
1)It's the capital city of our country and it's well developed.
2)historical sites, museums, long history, beautiful scenery.
3)It's a modern city and an international cosmopolitan. There are a lot of job opportunities in Beijing,
(2)Beijing, bad
1)Its environment, especially air quality, is really bad.
2)Beijing is so crowded and the pace of life is so fast.
(1)The city I'm living in is ... It's a good/bad place to live.
(2)There are a couple of reasons for this.
(3)First, ...
(4)Second, ...