高手翻译一篇 高中英语Reading .文章很长,慎入 .谢谢

2020-06-13 教育 59阅读
On Reading(上)
On the subject of reading ,Francis Bacon,who lived at about the same time as Shakespear,wrote these words:"Some books are to be tasted ,others to be swallowed ,and some few to be chewed and digested ."This good advice .Shows how it is possible to read different types of books in different ways,For example ,you might pick up a travel book and read a few pages before going to sleep .It is enough to dip into it and read bits here andthere ,in a word ,theis is "tasting ".
Some stories are for "swallowing".Imagine that,you have found a good story, what is even more impotant ,the time to enjoy it .You might be on holiday ,or on a long train journey ,If it is a good book ,you might say ,"it's so good that Ican't put it down ,"But not all stories belong to this class.reviewers sometimes desctibe books as"hard-to -put-down"or "hard-to -pick -up-again ".
Other books are for reading slowly and carefully,If it is abook on a subject that you are interested in, youwill want "chew and digest it "That does not mean reading it too slowly ,When you pick upa book for the first few pages that it is one that you can easily read and understand .
Next ,if it is not a story ,get an idea of the orgnisation of the book .Read the back cover and the introduction .Look at the short texts and pictures below them .Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents,This way you can decide whether the book is likely to interest you ,and if so, then you can decide which parts of the book will be most useful and interesing .
Here are some reading tips .First ,read a chapter quickly to get a general idea .Then if you wish ,you read it once again more slowly ,using a dictionary when necessary ,Second , do not stop every time you cometo a word or a pharse you do not understand.Qute often you will find the unknow word appears again ,this how we learn the meaning of our own language ,Imagine that you come across this sentense in abook "The house is beginning to get cold ,so Daisy pulled her red woolen cardigan out of her bag and put it on ." If you don't know the word "cardigant",you can guess the situation that it is made of wool and is put on to keep warm ,and is therefore likely to be an article of clothing .