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2023-05-28 综合 36阅读
When you clear out the crying with, left its mother's body, landing a human life, which again indicates that the human world to add a valuable asset. At the same time also a very happy family. From that moment on the number of people watching you, you look forward to quickly grow up and mature Synthesizer. You not only belong to the family, parents, you are in the final analysis, the state. And therefore could also say this: life is precious, life is even more, only the existence of life in order to realize a higher value of life. To cherish in life, safety first is the eternal topic of our society.

Who is the most precious thing, only people can create wealth, to make the world a better place. Only students of laughter, lively figure in order to make our campus is full of sunshine, full of vitality. But human life is very fragile, if we do not pay attention to safety awareness, depending on the security risks regardless of security issues as measures to prevent the poor do not have a strong sense of responsibility to life as a child's play, then the result will lead to disastrous consequences: traffic虎狼such as accident-meng; frequent fires, the fire engulfed the number of lives and property; food poisoning after another; stained body disease; swimming drowning;坠楼play and so on, so we always lurking around the number of killers rear its ugly head. At any time threatening the safety of you. A piece, a bloody pile of reports, it is fear, head can not bear to see the tragic scenes. Only because of the neglect of security issues, such as a life withered flowers in an instant, the consequences on society, family, loved ones "hit only the physical and psychological, a heavy blow to the lesson written in blood. By that time, it is too late, we have already lost far too many, love of life, words can not be beautiful, it can wake up only after the loss. As a result of poor safety awareness, a sense of responsibility as a result of indifference, neglect of duty resulting from, should we not reflect on the crime should not be punished and processing. The future we can do about it? What is even more food for thought.