
2020-05-13 教育 340阅读
剧中描写米兰公爵普洛斯彼罗被他弟弟安东尼奥夺去爵位,自己带着独生女儿米兰达和魔术书流亡到了一座荒岛,在那里使用精灵,呼风唤雨。有一次,他唤来风暴,把安东尼奥、那不勒斯国王和王子所乘的船刮到荒岛上来。他凭借魔法,让恶人们受到教育,待到安东尼奥表示痛改前非后,他饶恕了安东尼奥,兄弟和解。结果他恢复了爵位,米兰达与王子结了婚,一同回到意大利去。莎士比亚在剧中肯定了纯朴的爱情,谴责了自私的阴谋,并通过普洛斯彼罗的形象,着重肯定了理性和智慧的力量。普洛斯彼罗说:“我宁愿压伏我的愤恨而听从我的更高尚的理性;道德的行动较之仇恨的行动是可贵得多的。”他借助法术来惩罚和教育了恶人,恶人自己忏悔了,才得到宽恕,终于完成了理性的要求。一场暴风雨最后归于风平浪静。这里,莎士比亚正面宣扬了人性善良、改恶从善的思想。传奇剧《暴风雨》在结构上恪守古典戏剧的三一律,把时间集中在一天的下午到傍晚的几个钟头之内,地点则固定在一个孤立的海岛之上。剧本各部分结合非常完美,在若干方面与假面剧相似。其中的超自然现象对剧情的展开起着关键作用。剧中描写暴风雨的段落被誉为英国文学中的最佳篇章。此剧是正剧和喜剧的结合,也是幻想与现实的结合。剧中刻画得最好的人物是凯列班与爱丽儿,前者代表人的兽性,后者代表了人的理想主义和超凡脱俗的一面。英文对应的:In the play describes Milan duke Ploss other Luo to take away by his younger brother Antonio the title, own were bringing the only daughter miranda and the magic book goes into exile a desert island, in there use demon, controlled the forces of nature.Once, he calls the storm, Antonio, Naples king and the prince rides the ship to blow to the desert island comes up.He relies on the black magic, lets the evil people receive the education, treats after Antonio indicated thoroughly rectifies misdeeds, he forgave Antonio, brothers reconciled.The result he restored the title, the miranda and the prince married, returns to Italy to go together.Sha Shibiya has decided the simple love critical at the play, condemned the selfish plot, and through the Ploss other Luo's image, has affirmed rational and the wisdom strength emphatically.Ploss other Luo said that,“I rather suppress my resenting to obey my nobler rationality; The moral motion is much more valuable compared with the hatred motion.” He punished and educates the evil person with the aid of the magic arts, evil person has confessed, only then obtained forgiveness, finally has completed the rational request.Storm finally belongs to uneventfully.Here, Sha Shibiya has directly publicized the thought which the human nature good, mends one's ways.The legendary play "Storm" scrupulously follows the classical play in the structure the unity of action, concentrates the time in one day-long in the afternoon to within evening several hours, then the place fixes above an isolated island.The script various part of unions is extremely perfect, is similar in certain aspects with the masked performance.Supernatural phenomenon launches the key function to the plot.In the play describes the storm the paragraph by the reputation for the English literature in best chapter.This play is the legitimate theater and the comedy union, also is the fantasy and the reality union.In the play portrays the best character is triumphant row Ban Yu loves Li, the former representative's beastly nature, the latter has represented human's idealism and unusual refined one side.