
2020-08-01 教育 122阅读
3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个(些)名词,如:good(man),white(paper),every(book),much(water),(John is)hon-est,(He seems)lazy.被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词(head-word)。
He went to school.(介词to把名词school和动词went联系起来)
He stood by me.
He asked for it.
The book on the desk is mine.(介词on把名词book和另一名词desk联系起来)
He lives in a house on the mountain.他住在山上的一幢房子里。
The bridge across this river is built by a Frenchman.河上的桥是一位法国人修建的。
He is sure of it.他对此很有把握。(of联系it和sure.)
It is good for you.这对你有好处。
He is angry with Mary.他生玛丽的气。
He walked slowly.他走得很慢。
He did it carefully.他干得很仔细。
He is a very kind man.他是一个非常善良的人。
John is truly honest.约翰的确很诚实。
He arrived too late.他到得太晚了。
He walked rather slowly.他走得相当慢。
He sat far behind me.他坐在我后面挺远的地方。
He arrived exactly at seven.他在7点整到达。
He will come probably after we take lunch.他可能在我们吃午饭之后到达。
He loves her just because she is pretty.他爱她只是因为她漂亮。
Luckily,he got back his money.幸好他把钱要回来了。
Historically,China is a great nation.从历史上看中国是个伟大的国家。
He visited Hong Kong and Singapore.(连词and把Hong Kong和Singapore连接起来)他访问了香港和新加坡。
She is pretty but cruel.她很漂亮却很残忍。
He does exercise in class or at home.他在课堂上或是在家里做练习。(or把in class和at home两个短语连接起来)
She sat by me,reading novels but turning her eyes tochildren about her from time to time.她坐在我身旁看小说,但不时把眼睛转向她周围的孩子们。
He works hard,so he will succeed.他很努力,所以他会成功。(so把he works hard和he will succeed连接起来)
He says this and that,but he does not mean them.他说这说那,但这些都不是他的真心话。
He was writing when it was rainning.下雨时他正在写作。(when把动词was raining和he was writing连接起来)
He became a beggar because he had been a gambler.他成了乞丐因为他爱赌博。
He went to school though he was sick.他虽病了,但他仍然上学。
The news that the enemy had surrendered soon reached us.不久传来了敌人投降的消息。
8.感叹词:用来表示说话时的感情,如Oh!,Alas!,My!上面只是对8大词类粗略的解释。另外冠词、数词也可算作两个词类,冠词只有a,an,the3个字,数词可归入形容词中。 可以看出,名词是某种事物的名称,比如说desk、table等,是比较常用的。而形容词是表明事物的特征、形状等。是修饰名词和动词的。动词是表示动作、存在的状态的。动词是英语中最富于变化的一个词类,必须重点加以掌握。