
2020-05-05 教育 111阅读
E-book or Paper Book


I like paper books because I like that I can hold them in my hands. E-books, however, may have some negative impacts on health. (这句
,就说一下电子书可能会影响到健康问题.) We often receive certain amount of radiation when reading books from the internet. (其实没有很大的辐射,一般大量的辐射用large amount不要用big, big一般指物体的大小,这里我用了certain amount是因为有一些辐射,但并没有很大) Paper books make me feel familiar (这里对与书的亲切可以用familiar,意思就是比较熟悉,或者可以说纸质书让我感到很真实:paper books make me feel real.) I like this feeling of belongings when reading paper books. From a collection point of view, E-books do not have a high value compared to paper books. (收藏价值你可以用collection,save更多用与节省,比如节省金钱:save money 或者拯救生命: save lives.) A reader who bought a hardcover book once said: although it is more expensive buying paper books, you can collect the book after reading it, but you cannot really collect e-books. From a sharing point of view, although it is fast sharing e-books on the internet, it is not convenient in the sense of borrowing/lending among friends. Above were some of the reasons that I like about paper books.
In the modern economic conditions, the author from income profitable purpose, most new book exists in the form of traditional books. Meanwhile, traditional books is printing production listed, general beautifully printed chart and so on, and explain, facilitating understanding, of course, because the computer is now widespread, many electronic text reading function, so ebook also has its necessity of existence, and there were many electronic magazine also do good, sound and color, and vivid animation, see this kind of books and more than reading the traditional books much a few minutes fun. When I above analysis, I think ebook won't replace traditional books, each has his strong point, each have each market.