
2020-10-10 教育 101阅读
But cities are the human nest - they are where most of us live. They could reflect the values of life-enhancing, health-giving cultures. If cities are central to the problem of the ecological crisis they must be central to its solution. In the last few years a worldwide movement has developed which seeks to create ecological cities, cities in balance with nature.
但城市是人类的巢 - 是我们大多数人生活的地方。城市能反映出生命的价值 - 不断提升、有益健康的文化。如果说城市是生态危机问题的症结所在,那城市也必然是解决这一问题的关键所在。过去几年进行了一场创建生态城市、城市与自然协调发展的世界范围的运动。