Nothing herein wil be deemed to prevent either party from deisclosing any confidential information pursuant to a subpoena or other compulsory judicial or other governmental process.privides that the party required to make such disclosure promptly gives the other notice of any such compulsory disclosure and cooperates with the other in every reasonable way to limit such disclosure and protect the confidentiality of the condidential information in question。
本保密文件不适用于合同双方收到法院传票或其它政府检查机关问询时须向这些机构提供相关信息之情形。在此类情形发生时, 提供信息的合同一方须即刻向另一合同方通知该情形,并与该方积极配合以尽量减少信息外泄,并保护受问询信息部分的保密性。
2。 upon termination ,each party promptly will return to the other all condidential information disclosed to it hereunder in whatever form it may be,including but not limited to copies of all or portions therof.
all confidential information disclosed hereunder in tangible form will be identified by words or labels,clearly indicating that the disclosing party believes same is or contains confidential information.Any confidential information which is initially disclosed hereunder orally or visually must be reduced to writing or other tangible form and a copy thereof delivered to the receiving party within 30days after such initial disclosure.
下文中所有提及之机密信息须用文字或标签形式记录, 以清晰的表明信息提供方认为该信息是/或者包含机密部分。 下文中所有机密信息,如首先是以口头或视觉方式提供的, 须在提供后30天内以文字或其他实体形式记录下来,并送交一份至信息接收方。
A and Bmay want to disclose to the other party certain information,which the disclosing party deems proprietary and/or confidential,for urpsdes of facilitating discussions about their mutual interest in entering into an agreement for the development and/or supply of one or more products and the terms and conditions of such agreement("transaction")