中英对照 护眼小知识

2020-05-13 教育 115阅读
1、眨眨眼 Blink of an eye
In fact ,blink of an eye movement can make the eyes of the secretion of tears. Especially For contact lens wearers OL! Many women are too focused on work, Lead to long time staring at the computer screen and forget to blink so simple movements, and other dry eye discomfort.
2、眼球运动 Eye movement
If you base on computer desk over an hour ,you can try do some eye movement, fox example Look up and breath, in the line of sight is moved back to the intermediate, breath, so motion about repeated three times, and then proceed to the left and right, repeat the same action.
3、吸口气 breath
Is it help to protect your eyes to breath? Yes ,in fact ,when you breath ,it can accelerate the blood cycle, According to the survey, many women who is staring at the computer, let the respiratory rate slows, so often to remind yourself, maintain smooth breathing, to relax
4、间歇休息 Intermission
A short break to allow the eyes to relax, It is best to leave the seat, To find some long-range goals of view
About the maintenance of approximately 10 seconds, rest a little bit, on the eye is infinitely large help5、健康食品 health food
Long to eat good food on the eye, also have some degree of help, For example, deep-sea fish containing large amounts of DHA, it can make the retina of the eye sound development, and prevent disease and cataract in addition, carrot, lemon, blueberry, nuts, liver and so on, often to eat, not only can increase the body's antioxidant substances, but also can effectively protects the eye, and fighting aging, can serve several purposes?
6、多吃各种水果 Eat a variety of fruits
Especially citrus fruits, also should eat more green vegetables, grain, fish and eggs. Drink plenty of water to relieve dry eye can also help
7、慎戴隐形眼镜 Not to wear contact lenses
If you have less secretion of tears, dry eyes and easy, in front of a computer is not suitable for the use of contact lenses, to wear glasses. In front of the computer wearing contact lenses are also preferably used oxygen permeability, high degree of variety.
8、调整电脑屏幕距离 Adjust the computer screen distance
Recommendations for a distance 50-70 cm, and the screen should be slightly below eye level position 10 ~ 20 cm, with 15 ~ 20 degree view. Because of the angle and distance can reduce on refractive demand, reduce eye fatigue.
9、保持良好的工作姿势 Maintain a good working posture
To remain one of the most proper posture, make the binocular-as or mild downward looking at the computer screen, so that the neck muscles are relaxed, and the eye is exposed to air in the area is reduced to a minimum.
另外,为了眼睛的健康,人们应尽量少吃甜食和大蒜,尤其是老人和小孩。 对眼睛有害的食物,一般认为有两种: 甜食和大蒜,当然这里指的是过量食用。
From the editor: in addition, for eye health, people should try to eat less sweets and garlic, especially for old people and children. Harmful to the eyes of the food, is generally thought to be of two kinds: sweets and garlic, of course here refers to the excessive consumption.