The six greatest tectonic plates in the worlds mostly divide the line:
Pacific Ocean tectonic plate:About 4/5 Pacific Oceans all in this tectonic plate;
American tectonic plate:The part of Pacific Oceans, Atlantic Ocean of the whole American and close America;
Second Europe tectonic plate:Almost whole Asia and Europe, but belong to India in Asia is not in this tectonic plate, also have one part of Atlantic Ocean;
Antarctica tectonic plate:The whole Antarctica and in addition to the edge part of three oceans out of the arctic ocean;
African tectonic plate:The whole Africa and one part of Atlantic Ocean;
Indian Ocean tectonic plate:Part of Oceanica nations of Australia east, north, south, overwhelming majority Indian Ocean, and India time big six, Arabian Peninsula and all in this tectonic plate.
So, Atlantic Ocean is to be exist in alone inside a certain tectonic plate and it was "divide"ed by a few tectonic plates.It only Pacific Ocean and more and completely and alone is exist in inside a tectonic plate.Complement once, the arctic ocean was also"divide"ed by the second Europe tectonic plate, American tectonic plate.