
2020-10-27 教育 64阅读
After the second world war, the United States there appear a large number of outstanding writer and good works, including the catcher in the rye is J.D. salinger American writer in the 1950s the classic masterpiece created. Storyline simple, but it can fascinating, touching, and this is the language of the novel features are inseparable. This paper firstly introduces the author's life story and the contemporary social background and lead to the influence of the book. In the second chapter from the perspective of language try the catcher in the rye, by analyzing the children's image of the catcher in the rye the language feature will be the basic attributes of stripping language, thus obtains the catcher in the rye language characteristics of three elements: the conscious. Language vulgar let holden said a lot of rough colloquialisms, suggests that the social environment, the influence of for adolescents portray decadent, deepen the theme. Language: optional and done the slang and imaginative young kan, as the language as jazz, a sense of spoken English is embodied in full by the encyclopedia of sentence, repeat the short, less become slang display. Make whole reading process is full of fun language fuzziness: use these show sincere adherent language, these adherent language for revealing the role of character or even more than long character analysis can provide the same effect. Then in the third chapter of the features of language, the heroine, analyze the causes from holden language characteristic social root and holden language characteristic of personal character reason two aspects illustrates the cause of formation of the heroine language features in the fourth chapter. Finally to the catcher in the rye in the significance and the language features of novel language characteristics influence on the importance of describing children image with novel language characteristics on the academic influence, summarizes the hero of this new ideas.