
2020-04-24 教育 131阅读
  Summary: This article begins by examining how the private automobile contributed to the development of society and its effects on the standard of living, noting that the acceptance of the private automobile into families and communities is inevitable under the adjustments of the nation’s industrial policy。
   However, when faced with the growing problems of land shortages, increased population density, exceeded road limits, shortage of energy supply and environmental pollution one must realize that the private automobile situation isn’t merely a problem with the separation of people and vehicles。
   Based on our special national conditions, the development of the automobile industry must venture on a sustainable path。
   According to Zhenjiang’s city development situation, Zhenjiang must develop lighter, more energy efficient, more environmentally friendly private automobiles along with making adjustments to the family ownership rates of vehicles by conducting surveys and implementing appropriate restrictions。
   Only then will there be improvements on societal developments and standards of living。
   Key words: Private automobile development, limiting factor, practical family vehicles, our national condition, Zhenjiang city development。