
2020-04-24 教育 101阅读
  以下是我归纳总结的外研版高中英语必修2第一模块的重点短语。可供高中各个学年的学生们使用。Book 2 Module 1 重点短语1。connect A with B 将A与B联系起来be connected with…=be related to…和……联系起来2。
  be fit=be healthy健康的3。keep away from…远离……4。be anxious to do dth急于做某事be anxious about…为……感到焦虑5。take exercise 做锻炼do maths exercises做数学练习6。
  head towards…=head for…出发去往……/朝……前进7。eye him anxiously焦虑地看着他8。be injured in the car crash在撞车事件中受伤9。go on a diet节食/按规定饮食10。
  return to normal恢复正常11。pick me up in half an hour半小时之后用车来接我12。be crazy about…迷恋……/热衷于……/迷恋……13。have got a sore throat咽喉发炎14。
  at least 至少/at most至多15。look over the patient carefully=examine the patient carefully认真给病人做检查16。have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食17。
  be off work休假/不上班/休班be out of work失业18。put on weight=gain weight增肥/变胖19。I rarely get colds ir flu。=Rarely do I get colds or flu。
  我很少患感冒或流感20。That couldn't be better。那再好不过了。/那是最好的了。