求英语大神帮忙翻译一段话,不要软件和网上翻译的。 法学是实践性很强的一门学科,实践性课程在法学教育

2022-08-15 教育 83阅读
Law is a very practical discipline, practical course occupies a very important position in the education system of jurisprudence. It emphasizes theoretical knowledge for students practical activities to practice the theoretical knowledge to digest and understand. Substantial legal trainee students, internships, training and other practical experiments and activities, can deepen their understanding of the relevant legal theory and legal norms of understanding and grasp, enhancing its ability to solve practical problems and improve legal literacy, fully engaged in the legal profession ready. Law graduates face in today's society the problem of low employment, as a society about to go looking for a job in college students, how do we improve self-professionalism, his firm foothold in the vast army of looking for work, have their own place!