
2023-05-11 综合 28阅读
In the UK, the general wealthy family often four meals a day, breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast time is more than 7 to 9 hours between. The main food is porridge, ham and eggs, and bread with butter or orange sauce. Lunch is around 13, which is usually cold meat and vegetables (potatoes, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce and beet first production). To drink tea at lunch, generally do not drink. The tea is about 17 or so, to drink tea, supplemented by pastry. Dinner at around 19:30, for a day of meals, often drink. In England, people eat more lettuce. In the north of England, the dinner is only tea, fried fish and chips only fourth meals is called "dinner". The general people are paying more attention to three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and tea. Only a little dinner prepared cold dish.