古文翻译 急急急~~~~~~~~~~·

2020-10-27 教育 87阅读
  亮涕泣曰:“臣敢竭股肱之力,效忠贞之节,继之以死!”先主又为诏敕后主曰:“汝与丞相从事,事之如父!” (选自《三国志•诸葛亮传》) 1。 (意):臣一定竭尽做辅佐大臣的的职责,效法古人忠贞的节操,至死不懈! I dare to wear out all my strength to fulfill my responsibilities as the chief official, prove my absolute loyalty to the greatest extent, and will not over until my death。
   2。 (意):你凡事须依从丞相,并应侍奉他如同亲父! You should follow the advices of the Prime Minister and to treat him as if he is your father。