
2023-05-28 综合 17阅读
Nos in public speaking
Talking too rapidly;
Speaking in a monotone;
Using too high a vocal pitch;
Talking and not saying much;
Presenting without enough emotion or passion;
Talking down to the audience;
Using too many "big" words;
Using abstractions without giving concrete examples;
Using unfamiliar technical jargon;
Using slang or profanity;
Disorganized and rambling performance;
Indirect communication, i.e. beating around the bush.
How to communicate with the audience?
Communicate a message worth communicating;
Gain the listeners'颂扒袭 attention: capture their interest and build their trust;
Emphasize understanding;
Obtain their feedback;
Watch your emotional tone;
Persuade the audience.
英语演讲技野兄巧此闷(3)How to gain confidence?

Smile and glance at the audience
Start very slowly, with your shoulders back and your chin up
Open your speech by saying something very frankly;
Wear your very best clothes;
Say something positive to yourself.