
2020-04-25 教育 242阅读
I ask you to let me pass level 8. I go to work every day to earn tuition, and yet Level 8 is in the morning. I have absolutely no way of concentrating on my study. Yet I cannot to not go to work, because then I would be out of money to pay tuition. I would not like to live that kind of life again. I'm almost at the point of giving up. I have already used up all of my might trying to stay in Level 8. Still, I want to do my best, but my work always leaves me no time to study. How can I learn like this? I cannot fail, because I have no money to retake level 8 again. I remember I promised my parents that if this time I pass level 8, school would support all of my tuition fees. Then that way I would have the energy to devote in my study, and no longer would I need to tire myself to the point of death with work. But if I do not pass this time, I would have to return to China. I do not wish to ruin my future. I know that this is very troublesome to you. But I have to work to earn money for tuition. Because I can no longer both work and go to school. I still need to pass level 8 to receive my Professional Admission notice to renew my returning Visa. I promise, once I walk out of this "nightmare", I would dedicate all of my time on studying. In September I would like go to learn my technical study, because I will have no more pressure from work. I would surely work hard to pull myself to the same stage as others. My teacher, I beg you. I am writing to you with tears in eyes. May I beg you, please help me. I really want to stay to study in America. Please help me!