
2020-05-02 教育 323阅读
读一读CNN对加州--一个处在破产边缘的州的报道,想象San Fransisco的经济状况。其他大城市如纽约--美国的经济危机的发源地;底特律--靠政府救济的汽车行业的聚集地--都是这次危机受到打击最大的地区。中小城市,尤其是小城市,基本没有受到任何影响。
(CNN) -- California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger issued 10,000 layoff notices Tuesday, affecting a wide spectrum of state employees and aimed at dealing with the state's budget crisis, a spokesman said.
Unemployed construction workers demonstrate in Los Angeles, California.
California lawmakers resumed negotiations late Tuesday after the longest legislative session in state history over the weekend resulted in a budget impasse.
"Every state employee who receives a salary under the general fund is affected, and the governor began issuing layoff notices for the least-senior employees in various agencies," said Aaron McLear, the governor's press secretary.
The layoffs would begin on July 1, which marks the fiscal year, and includes jobs in the Departments of Health and Human Services and Corrections, among others, McLear said. Another 10,000 layoff notices could be issued on Wednesday in other departments, he said.
The governor, facing a $42 billion deficit, was prompted to move on the layoff notices after lawmakers missed a Monday night deadline to reach a budget deal, McLear told CNN late Monday.
The Republican governor, who declared a fiscal emergency in December, has butted heads for months with the Democratic majority over alleviating the state's $11.2 billion revenue shortfall this fiscal year alone. The cuts would save California $750 million for the year. The state's $42 billion deficit is for the current and next fiscal years.