
2022-08-18 教育 80阅读


不定式和动名词是非谓语形式。都可以用在句子中。至于放在哪里要根据句意和你要用的词前后逻辑。及物动词后可以接动词不定式和动名词作宾语  详细如下 :

1)能以不定式做宾语的动词很多, 常见的有:want, hope,wonder, wish, agree, try, manager, offer, decide, fail,refuse, ask, pretend, intend, attempt, teach, discuss 等,  比如:

  1. I have learned to drive the car.

  2. They refused to accept my suggestion.  

  3. He promised to come.   

2)动词加动名词  :在enjoy, appreciate, admit, consider, mind, avoid., miss, can’t help, deny, practise, allow, finish, imagine, forbid, suggest等这些动词之后要求用动名词作宾语。 例如: 

  1. Have you finished repairing your car?  

  2. She suggested spending another week in the country.  

  3. Do you feel like taking a walk.
