
2023-05-13 综合 24阅读
  Democrats and Republicans are the two major political parties in the United states. Democratic in founding in 1791, when by some planting garden owners, farmers and some and southern slave owners had contacted the capitalists. The former Republican and democratic republican party, now renamed in 1828. Between 1933 and 1953, the Democratic Party, Roosevelt and Truman successively served as president, the Democratic Party for 20 years in a row, the party's most prosperous period. From 1981 to 1989, the two president of the United States and the economic impact of the United States (and even "Reagan economics"), Ronald Regan is a republican. 1992 came to power as president of the United States and in 1996 to run for re-election of the current U.S. President Barack Clinton is the Democratic party. The Republican Party was founded in 1854, when it was mainly composed of the northern industrial and commercial capitalists who were opposed to the expansion of slavery. Lincoln became president in 1861, the first time in the Republican Party, to the 70 years in 1933, in addition to 16 years, are the Republican party.
  The United States of America's two big party organization, different from other Western capitalist countries of the political party, with its unique characteristics. In the organization, the Democratic Party or the Republican Party can say that it is not a political party in the normal sense, but a very loose political alliance. To become a democratic or Republican Party, do not have to apply for and perform the admission procedure, also do not pay dues. Citizens declare and perform the registration procedure when they are registered, and become a party member or a member of the Republican Party. Registered as a member of a large party, in the election can be changed to vote for another major party candidate, that can cross party vote. Political parties can not carry out disciplinary sanctions on its members. Strictly speaking. Only 5% of voters can be considered party members.