
2020-05-31 教育 91阅读
想快速提高英语水平,重点就是老师教学经验,东南亚口音重,一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正非常重要,要多听多比较,不然学出口音就难改了..我自己在ABC天卞口语学了.好.一段时间,关键是老师的指导 从学习效果来说是非常好的,不过上课前和任课老师沟通下再决定。AA: simple to talk about your dreams.B: my dream is very simple, no matter what the future meaningful to do, to be useful.A: How you feeling today?B: feeling good, a little bit nervous, because ts is the first interview, please forgive me!A: to introduce your own interests and hobbies, please?B: I love a lot of basketball. Table tennis, computer games and so on, so I am full of energy.A: like to listen to what song? Usually love to sing it?B: like to listen to some pop music, love singing, but do not singA: like, what color? Why?B: blue, because the sky is blue. Blue sky and wte clouds.A: What is your idol right? Why did you choose the icon you do?B: there are idols, many, as long as meaningful to do for society, can be when my idol.A: How do I you can do the work you choose?B: First of all, I learn the good, learn more, you can choose to contribute to some great work.A: self-evaluation.B: I tnk, very good, very self-confident and tnk they will succeed. Because of unremitting efforts, I will