make for

2020-05-13 教育 104阅读
make for
1. go in the direction of向…前进After the concert the crowd made for the nearest door.音乐会结束后,人群涌向离他们最近的门。
As the mother came into the room,her little girl made straight for her.当母亲走进房间时,她的小女孩直向她扑去。
Does early rising make for good health?早起可以增进身体健康吗?
What you've said will make for the good relations between our two people.你讲的话有助于发展我们两国人民的友好关系。
3. attack ; rush violently攻击;袭击
When I was half way across the field the bull made for me and I had to run.当我走到田中间时,那头公牛向我冲来,我只得跑开。