谁能翻译下standfast <skin to skin>的歌词?谢谢

2022-07-31 教育 81阅读
Skin To Skin (亲密接触)
So I think we’ve said all there is to be said 至此 我认为我们已经心意相通
All the words keep bouncing around in my head 那些语言在我脑海里反复出现
Oh I feel so numb 哦 我感觉如此麻木
Please just take me home 请带我回家
Seems like all the talking it took us nowhere 似乎所有的谈论让我们无处躲藏
All I really want is the touch of your hand 所有我想做的是碰触你的手
I won’t speak a sound 我不会出声
If you take me home 如果你带我回家
If you hold me close 如果你抱紧我Words have lost their meaning 语言失去了本身的意义
Silence is our haven 沉默是我们的天堂
I love you more 我如此爱你
You and me 你和我
Skin to skin 亲密接触
So it all begins 一切因此开始If I start to scream from the top of my lungs 如果我开始歇斯底里的尖叫
It would make no difference I’d still be alone 这将让我和从前一样孤独
It would leave you numb 这将让你麻木
The words would echo on 那些话将变成回声
Rockets can be flown all the way to the moon 火箭都能成功发射到月球
So much we can do yet we fail to get through 我们还有很多补救方法
To one another me and you 另一个我和你
A traffic jam of words 语言如交通堵塞中的车辆
Can’t move forward, can’t reverse 无法前行 无法逆转Words have lost their meaning 语言失去本身的意义
Silence is our haven 沉默是天堂
I love you more 我如此爱你
Silence it will save us 安静能够拯救我们
Making room for our love 让卧室成为我们爱的空间
Yes it will 是的 它是
You and me你和我
Skin to skin 亲密接触
So it all begins 一切因此开始