
2020-10-14 文化 101阅读
First of all, my heart library, should be the appearance of generosity, full of artistic taste, harmony with the surrounding environment. The building itself is a timeless work of art will not be tarnished with the passage of time. Outside the building should be a green belt, the best water dependent trees. Thus, during the day and blue sky reflected trees, white clouds around the premises; night, lights, stars reflected on the surface of the water reflects the bright light. This design there is a big advantage: not only purify the air, beautify the environment, but also the noise barrier. Entered the entire building, blowing a fresh cultural atmosphere. She is elegant and timeless, but also full of unique cultural flavor, books breath people to enjoy the beauty. Her appearance, functional design, decor, facilities layout, etc. should be distinctive, so that implies the cultural flavor library are hearty to show, as the reader in mind the supreme spiritual home. In the specific facilities, it should monitor the entrances to the security television system. Intelligent lighting and water supply facilities, frequency VAV air conditioning and humidifier, comfortable environment for readers, we should also take into account the energy conservation requirements. Storage room in all the literature and the reading room of the roof, wall lamp UV disinfection should be placed, well disinfection, to the readers to better health protection. High standards of automatic fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system design, and the balance between time and the accumulation and evacuation flow channel design, eliminating the security risks of readers. In addition, wired and wireless network systems, power-intensive shelves, large electronic display. The application of this series of technical equipment, is to libraries digital, intelligent, network hardware to provide strong protection. In architectural design, the most important point is to the spirit of people-oriented service concept, whether it is building from the outside color, lighting and space specific to a logo displayed on the window side, or from the furniture, lighting and bonsai buy jewelry, and should fully take into account the reader's feelings and respect the needs of readers. Fully consider the wishes and habits of readers and strive to create a rich affinity, so that the reader comfortable human environment. For readers to create a spacious, bright and reading environment, culture and leisure functions should be set to one. Lecture hall, exhibition stand, Audio Visual rooms, conference rooms, research labs, lounge, staff locker rooms, activity center and Jacuzzis. This will provide readers with training, conferences, exhibitions and other services, but also to provide humane care. Each floor has the best coffee in the spacious and comfortable leisure sofa, automatic drinking devices, to provide readers with a place to exchange. Although this different from the normal quiet reading room under the awe, but also another space for learning - to develop social skills. This should be our pursuit of the goal. I have in mind a good library, not only depends on the library building and internal facilities layout static factors, but also depends on the library staff of the service. As the carrier of digital resources and structure has undergone tremendous changes in methods of library services also will be a corresponding change. One-stop, integrated services in the form, intelligent management, people-oriented service concept. Library staff face a new work environment, and strive to learn new knowledge and master new technology, improve service quality, library services can better meet the needs of their work. In addition to excellent professional knowledge of literacy, the library staff should also have a strong sense of professionalism and dedication of the spirit and dedication to serve the readers of professional awareness, warm and friendly service attitude. In order to adapt to the new requirements of the times, library staff not only to become information organizer, but if the knowledge navigator, social and cultural inheritors. To promote advanced culture, the dissemination of scientific spirit and enhance the knowledge and literacy, leading readers to capture the information, accept the influence of civilization, creating a vigorous demand of the times, full of learning atmosphere, contains endless cultural charm and make due contributions to the library. A good library, policy makers also contributed to the art of leadership. Emphasis on human care, attention to human subjective and objective factors, care and respect for employees, social workers try to meet the self-esteem, self-realization spiritual needs of high-level, mobilizing the enthusiasm of the staff work hard to create strong, cohesive group, to achieve the personal staff goals and objectives consistent with the overall library. As the information era, new era of communication libraries not only have enough space and meaning profound human conception, but also to have a reasonable structure, advanced equipment, powerful, rich resources, scientific management and services in place, the reader satisfied with the new library, to highlight the unique charm of Jiangsu University Library. This is the library in my heart! All this is not a dream, but a blueprint can be achieved, and we look forward to working together!