
2022-08-01 教育 89阅读
jenny非常喜欢骑着自行车去公园,因为她认为骑自行车去公园是一件很快乐的事情,这天,他和往常一样骑自行车去公园,到了公园,他立刻就被美丽的湖水吸引过去了,湖中有两个男孩在游泳,,她很想去,不过,必须得先放好她的自行车,她看了看觉得旁边的树丛最合适了,但是,她却没有发现藏在树丛中的小偷,等她放好自行车后,就走开了,小偷看见她走开了,就出来把她的自行车推走了,而jenny全然不知道,她还陶醉在美丽的湖水景色当中,过了很久,她要回家的时候,这才发现自行车不见了,她即害怕又气愤,她慌忙的打电话给她的妈妈,她一边哭一边向妈妈述说,妈妈安慰她后,对她说,叫她打电话给警察,警察会帮助她的.听了妈妈的话,jenny这才停止了哭泣,打电话给警察后,她想,以后别把自行车乱放了jenny is like riding a bike to the park, because she thought that bike to the park is a very happy thing, that day, he and his bike to the park, as usual, to the park, he was immediately attracted by the beautiful lake passed the lake has two boys in swimming, she'd love to, but have to first put away her bike, she looked at that side of the trees most suitable, but she has not found the thief hiding in the bush , so after she put away a bike, walked away, the robber saw her and walked away, he came out to push away her bike, and jenny totally do not know, she still basking in the beautiful lake scenery which, over a long time she wanted to come home, and found a bike gone, she is scared and angry, and she hurried to call her mother, crying while her mother tells the mother to comfort her after and said to her, called her a calls to police, the police would help her. listened to her mother's words, jenny This stopped the crying, call the police, she thought, Do not bike after misplacing a