
2020-09-19 教育 298阅读
I am very lonely, although with you, but I found that it is not what I need. But I still insist, and with you, because I can't find my way, I don't know where to go, what to do? I have been hurt those who love me, I want to leave this world, I really want to, but I can not imagine the family after losing me? I know they will cry, will be a nervous breakdown. But who knows now I almost collapsed. I can't think what I will have a future, I dare not think so I'll give you what kind of damage. You are my baggage do you know? But as I have left you, where should I go, go where? I always will die on his thoughts! I am also a nervous breakdown because of him, a I should not mention, but for him who cried every time, my tears were for his flow! This is a secret! Secret forever! Because I still can't forget him, you always give me a miracle! Forgive me this hypocritical people!