完形填空篇:The best and the worst jobs are different for different people.工作的好坏因人而异。 It is exactly like food, which depends on the personal taste on it. 就像吃的,取决于个人口味。One man's meat, another man's poison. 也许一个人的肉,就是另一个人的毒药(众口难调)Job is the same. 工作亦是如此。One man's best job, another man's worst.一个人认为的好工作,另一个人却一点都不喜欢。 Many people think banker is one of the best job because many of the bankers can make millions a year,很多人认为在银行上班是很好的工作,因为每年收入很多。 however not many recognized the fact that the suicidal rate of bankers are among the highest professionals due to stress.但是专业人士又说银行家的自杀率很高。 No many people think postman's job is a good one,几乎没有人认为邮递员是好工作。 however according to the statistics postman is one the best job because postman has to walk a lot everyday and this type of working style has made postman a healthy job.但是根据统计那又是最好的工作,因为邮递员必须要每天走很多路,这种工作方式早就了邮递员这份差事成了最健康的工作。
In summary, don't try to pursue a job just because many people think it is a good one, find one that really suits you.总而言之,不要因为别人的观点而左右了自己的想法,找到最适合自己的工作,就是最好的工作。