
2020-04-30 教育 150阅读
1.He tell me that his father had died an that he lived alone. (that his father had died an that he lived alone这个是做什么成分的?) 做宾语 tell sb sth 这里的sth变成了一句话 tell是接双宾语的
2.She has made it clear that she will get married next month.(that she will get married next month什么成分?) 做宾语 因为宾语太长 是一句话 所以用it做形式宾语 真正的宾语是that引导的句子
3.You can not imagine _________(他们是多么的兴奋)when they received these nice presents.
how excited they were 从句要陈述语序
4.What we feel excited is ___ we are passing the flame in Shenzhen now.
that 表语从句 be动词后的成分是表语 构成系表结构
5.We are excited about the news ___ we are passing the flame in Shenzhen.
that 同位语从句 that引导的句子和news是相同成分 用来补充说明news
6.The news ___ Mr.Li will be our new teacher is true.
that 还是同位语从句
7.The news ___ he told me yesterday is true.
that/which/不填 这是定语从句 tell sb sth 当缺的是宾语时 即sth that/which可省略
8.The news ___ he told me is that Mike would go abroad next year.
9.The news___ Mike would go abroad next year is told by him.
that 同位语从句
判断是同位语从句还是定语从句就是要看从句缺不缺成分 比如以上的tell sb sth 缺了sth 就是定语从句 当然一般填that都是对的 但是也有特殊情况 同位语从句也是可以用whether引导的