
2020-06-02 教育 113阅读

Tian Miao, “Jiegenfang, Tianyuan, and Daishu: Algebra in Qing China”, in Historia Scientiarum, Vol. 9-1(1999), 101-119.
Tian Miao,Education of Mathematics of Traditional Academies in Late Qing China, proceedings of the 4th international Symposium on the History of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Using Chinese characters(ed. Kobayashi Tatsuhiko, Ogawa Tsukane, Sato Ken’ichi, and Jochi Shigeru), Maebashi Institute of Technoloty, 2001, 251-269.
Tian Miao,The Westrnization of Chinese Mathematics- A Case Study on the Development of the Duoji Method, EASTM 20(2003): 45-72.
Tian Miao, The Transmission of European Mathematics in the Kangxi Reign (1662-1722)—Looking at the International Role China could play from an Historical Perspective”, in China’s New Role in the International Community: Challenges and Expectations for the 21st Century (Heinz-Dieter Assmann, Karin Moser v. Filseck ed.) , Peter Lang, 2005. 217-234.
Tian Miao, Mechanical Knowledge in Ancient Chinese Cosmology, in Transformation and Transmission: Chinese Mechanical Knowledge and the Jesuit Intervention (Zhang Baichun, Juergen Renn eds.), Preprint 313, Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2006. 37-48.
Tian Miao, Mechanical Knowledge in the Jiuzhang Suanshu, ibid., 55-74.
Zhang Baichun, Tian Miao, Wang Zheng and the Transmission of Western Mechanical Knowledge to China. Ibid., 75-88
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4, 田 淼,“四元玉鉴后序研究 ”,第三届少数民族科学史国际学术研讨会论文集, 云南科学出版社,1998,129-133
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10, 田 淼,陈省身采访录, 《中国科技史料》, Vol. 21 No. 2 (2000), 117-127.
11,张柏春,田淼,刘蔷:《远西奇器图说录最》与《新制诸器图说》版本之流变,中国科技史杂志,第27卷(2006年)第2期:115-136 [Baichun Zhang, Miao Tian, Qiang Liu. The Evolvement of Editions of Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui (A Record of the Best Illustrations and Descriptions of Extraordinary Devices of the Far West) and Xinzhi Zhuqi Tushuo (Illustrations and Descriptions of Several New-built Devices). The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology, Vol.27 (2006), No.2, pp.115-136]
12.张柏春、田淼:中国古代机械和器物的图像表达,故宫博物院院刊,2006年第3期,第81-97页 【Baichun Zhang, Miao Tian. The Visual Representation of Ancient Chinese Machines and Devices. Palace Museum Journal. Vol. 125, No,3, 2006. 81-97.】
13.田淼、张柏春:薛凤祚对《远西奇器图说录最》所述力学知识的重构,哈尔滨工业大学学报(社科版),第8卷(2006年)第6期 【Miao Tian, Baichun Zhang. Xue Fengzuo’s Reconstruction of Mechanical Knowledge from Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), Vol.8, No.6, 2006, pp.1-8】
14.田淼、张柏春:梅文鼎《远西奇器图说录最》注之研究,中国科技史杂志,第27卷(2006年)第4期,第330-339页 【Miao Tian, Baichun Zhang. Research of Mei Wending's Commentaries on the Yuanxi Qiqi Tushuo Luzui. The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology, Vol.27 (2006), No.4, pp.330-339】
15.田淼,张柏春.王徵——欧洲科学技术与文化的传播者,哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版),第9卷 第6期,2007年
16,田淼. 张柏春. 《大禹治水图》所反映的技术和力学知识,《技术发发展与文化遗产》. 山东教育出版社. 2008.
