
2020-04-28 教育 225阅读
I once had a girl 我曾拥有一个女孩
Or should I say she once had me 或者说,她曾拥有我
She showed me her room 她把我带到她的房间
Isn't it good Norwegian wood? 难道那不就是挪威的森林吗
She asked me to stay 她叫我留下来
And she told me to sit anywhere 让我随便坐
So I looked around 我环顾四周
And I noticed there wasn't a chair 未看到一张椅子
I sat on a rug biding my time 所以我在地毯上坐下来,打发时间
drinking her wine 喝着她的啤酒
We talked until two and then she said 我们一直聊到凌晨2点,她说
"it's time for bed" 是睡觉的时候了
She told me she worked 她跟我说她上午上班,然后就笑了
in the morning and started to laugh
I told her I didn't 我告诉她我不用上班,然后就到浴室去趴着睡了
and crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke I was alone 当我早上醒来的时候 房间里只有我一个人了
This bird had flown 鸟儿已经飞走了
So I lit a fire 我就点上一枝烟
Isn't it good Norwegian wood? 难道这不就是(传说中的)挪威森林?