
2020-05-30 教育 322阅读
My grandmother lives in the apartment upstairs,above ours.
The car cost above two thousand dollars.
As a scholar,he is far above me.
Henry's work is well above the average.
In 1898,a law was passed which meant that all people above a certain age were paid a weekly "old-age pension".
They ran up the stairs into the room.
The fish cross the Atlantic Ocean to the coasts of Europe and travel up the rivers.(在这里的介系词up表示河水的流向)
Below 在.之下 below与above相对,泛指在另一事物下面的任何位置,Down 在下方。
两者都可表示“低于”,under 主要表示垂直在下的正下方,而 below 则不一定表示正下方(即可以是正下方或非正下方).如:
Look in the cupboard below [under] the sink. 到洗碗池下面的柜子里找一找.
The climbers stopped 300 meters below the top of the mountain. 登山队员们在离山顶 300 米处停了下来.
两者均可表示数量方面的“少于”,但在现代英语中,以用 under 为多见.如:
He can’t be much below [under] sixty. 他的年龄不可能比 60 岁小很多.
There were under forty people at the meeting. 参加会议的人不足 40 人.
It took us under an hour. 我们用了不到 1 个小时.
注:在现代英语中,below 表示“少于”,主要用于表示温度、高度以及有纵向标准可比的情况.如:
This place is below sea level. 此地在海平面以下.
The temperature is two degrees below zero. 温度是零下 2 度.
若表示一物被另一物所覆盖,则通常用 under.如:
She crept in beside him under the bedclothes. 她钻进被窝躺在他身旁.
表示职位、级别等关系时,用 under 表直接关系,用 below 表非直接关系.比较:
Mr A is under Mr B. A 先生是 B 先生的部下.
Mr A is below Mr B. A 先生比 B 先生职位低.