求ladygaga 在the monster ball tour中激励粉丝的演讲,100分哦~摆托帮帮忙啦

2020-10-17 音乐 68阅读
Lady Gaga, you have to understand, is not Dee Dee Ramone. She doesn't wait in her tour bus to be propped up onstage to play the same set every night.你必须得明白,Lady Gaga可不同于迪迪·雷蒙。她不会在大型观光巴士中支起舞台,每晚表演固定曲目。 Around two in the morning on a recent Monday, in a club on the desolate western edge of Manhattan, a wall of hired muscle cleared a path for her through a tangle of bobbing clubgoers. Gaga strode through the parted sea wearing her twin affectations — sunglasses and a wig the color of Marilyn Monroe's hair in the Warhol prints — and when the DJ started playing her music as a kind of call to action, the crowd revved its sweaty, leggy, beautiful engines and took off. 近期某个周一的午夜两点,在偏远的曼哈顿最西端的一个俱乐部里,彪悍的保镖从喧闹沸腾的人群中开出一条路,Gaga小姐阔步穿过,头上戴着两样饰物——墨镜和假发,发色是同安迪·沃霍尔作品中玛丽莲·梦露头发一样的明黄。 DJ开始播放Gaga的歌曲,众人在音乐的带动下活跃起来。Servers brought a bottle of the good booze for Gaga's crew, and the whole scene — the flashing lights, makeup (on the girls and some of the boys), all the cool kids wearing their sunglasses indoors — could have been a Lady Gaga video.侍者为Gaga一行人送来一瓶好酒,整个场景就像Lady Gaga的MV:灯光闪烁、浓妆艳抹(不光是女孩,还包括某些男孩),所有酷感十足的年轻人都在室内戴着墨镜。 But while everyone was shouting about her and around her, Lady Gaga wasn't talking to anyone. If you got close enough, you could see that behind the glasses her eyelids hung a little low. A few hours earlier, she had walked off the stage at the end of her last of four sold-out shows at Radio City Music Hall.然而尽管每个人都在高呼她的名字,将她团团围住,Lady Gaga却无只言片语。要是你离她足够近,就会发现在太阳镜的遮挡下,她眼皮微垂。几小时前,她刚刚走下舞台,结束了在无线电城音乐厅举办的最后一场演出,四场表演场场爆满,座无虚席。
Now she looked like the boss who took the team out for drinks after a big project but was preoccupied with tomorrow's presentation.此刻,她像刚完成一笔大买卖,带着部下出来喝酒的老板,因为惦记着第二天会议的发言而显得心不在焉。
Lady Gaga has work to do. She's a manager, and the client she manages is Lady Gaga.Lady Gaga有的是工作要忙。她也是一名管理者,负责的对象就是自己。 She is obsessive, a style she learned from people like her friend the late Alexander McQueen, the fashion designer for whom she was a muse. 她风格独具,与已故好友亚历山大·麦克奎因(Alexander McQueen)如出一辙,麦克奎因生前曾将Gaga视为自己的缪斯。She spends hours on many days constructing and fine-tuning what designers call mood boards — collages of artwork, fashion inspirations, and drawings meant to direct the stylists and artists (wardrobe, hair, and makeup) who execute her vision of Lady Gaga.如出一辙,麦克奎因生前曾将Gaga视为自己的缪斯。她曾连续多日,每天花好几个小时制作并不断完善一种设计师常用的“情绪板”,将各种艺术作品、时尚灵感以及草图拼贴在一起,供打造“LadyGaga”的工作人员参考。 A mood board develops into a storyboard, and it all morphs into a live show. The music is just one element of the presentation.“情绪板”逐渐发展成“故事板“,最后干脆变成了一出生活秀。【最终会变成她在舞台上华丽的演出】而音乐只是表达方式之一【音乐,只是这场表演中的元素之一】
Gaga was always famous. Before she ever released a record, you could walk into a club or a party with her and skip the line. We'd be browsing in a bookshop and everyone's eyes would wander above the paperback in their hands. She is barely five feet tall and she speaks in a tiny voice, but she knew how to get attention. That many eyes on you, and the kind of strange pressure it morphed into as more people discovered who she was, can chew starlets into pulp. Soon it was as if people expected a hit record out of her before they ever heard her sing. But anyone who paid attention to her self-creation knows that every idea is hers. The difference between Lady Gaga and every other young singer is that most of the others ask the world, "Do you like the way I sing? Will you buy my record and come to my show?" Gaga tells the world, "I am famous. I was famous before even I had heard of me." She didn't dream of fame. She announced it.Gaga一直都是明星,出唱片前就是。你可以跟着她随意出入任何一家俱乐部或聚会而从来不用排队。我们一起逛书店,人人都躲在手中的书后打量她。她只有五英尺高,说起话来低声细气,但她懂得如何引人注意。随着越来越多的人认识她,莫名的压力会让人感到难以承受。很快人们就指望她拿出一张漂亮的专辑,尽管他们连她的歌都没听过。而留意的人会发现,她一切都自己拿主意。Lady Gaga和其他年轻歌手的不同之处在于,大部分人会问:“你们希望我怎么唱?你们会不会买我的唱片,愿不愿意来看我的表演?”Gaga却对全世界说:“我 是人气王。早在我一名不文时就是。”她从来不做明星梦。她只会向众人宣告自己有多大牌
The dinner never happened, because Stefani has not had a day off from being Lady Gaga since. She's living the future she once predicted over cheap red wine — or at least she's living the beginning of that future. Stage One, as she would say. Right now she's on the Lady Gaga Monster Ball Tour — London, Glasgow, Sydney, Osaka, wherever else. She's in charge of an army of creative people — dancers, backup singers, designers, stylists, makeup artists. Her sunglasses give her just an inch to herself, some space to admire, appreciate, and explore without anyone watching her eyes. But just an inch.这顿饭我俩一直没吃上,因为打那之后她没有片刻能逃脱Lady Gaga的身份。她正过着早前一边喝劣质葡萄酒一边想象的那种生活,或者说,正迈向那种生活,用她的话说,目前只是起步阶段。此刻,她正在进行“怪物舞 会”全球巡演,到访城市包括伦敦、格拉斯哥、悉尼、大阪等等。她带领着一群极具创意的人才——舞者、伴唱歌手、设计师、造型师、化妆师。她的墨镜为她保留 了一小片空间,让她的双眼能避开外人的注视,去赞美、欣赏和探究。然而也只有那么一丁点空间。
Suddenly she is a star. That happens to a lot of people, and then suddenly they aren't stars. But flashes in the pan often disappear because they follow what they think are the rules of becoming famous — or what someone else tells them the rules are. Nobody tells Lady Gaga anything. The same bright girl who popped out of cakes and who created her own way of being famous once helped me understand something important. I was stressing out about how to end my novel, and she stopped me. She grabbed the draft, flipped over the final page, pulled the cap off a Sharpie, and wrote, "No story should ever end in resolution."她一举成名。许多人都有过同样经历,却又瞬间陨落。那些人之所以昙花一现,是因为他们遵循着一套自认为有效,或从他人口中听来的成名法则。没人对Lady Gaga传授任何金科玉律。同样是这个从蛋糕里蹦出来、以自己独特方式获得成功的聪明女孩,教会了我一个重要的道理。正当我不知如何为小说结尾而愁苦不已时,她翻到我手稿的最后一页写道:“不要给任何故事下定局。”