众所周知 Well known
说三道四 Make irresponsible remarks
指手画脚 Carp and cavil
颠倒黑白 Reverse black and white
混淆是非 Confusing right and wrong
发号施令 Command
大言不惭 fanfaronad
悬崖勒马 Rein in on [at] the brink of the precipice
众所周知 Well known
说三道四 Make irresponsible remarks
指手画脚 Carp and cavil
颠倒黑白 Reverse black and white
混淆是非 Confusing right and wrong
发号施令 Command
大言不惭 fanfaronad
悬崖勒马 Rein in on [at] the brink of the precipice