
2020-07-09 教育 53阅读


JULIE: A small town girl with big town dream
BETH: Cranky friend of JULIE and TINA
TINA: Airhead small town girl
JJ: Redneck boyfriend of TINA
JACOB: JULIE's big town boyfriend
MOM: JULIE's mom
(TINA is watching JJ as he is tuning his guitar)
TINA: What you doing, JJ?
JJ:I'm gonna be rich, baby.
TINA: Really?You win the lottery?
JJ:No, I'm gonna be a cowboy poet.(tunes guitar)
TINA:A cowboy poet?But you hate poetry.
JJ:I know.But this ain't like that hippie crap.It's like singing.
TINA:What you doing with that guitar?
JJ:What do you think I'm doing?I'm gonna play it while I sing.
TINA:But you don't know how to play the...
JJ:Okay, here goes.Give me some room.
(Plucks guitar.Sings badly)I went a walkin'.
(Pluck) I walked real far.
(Pluck) I found a man talkin'
(Pluck) About his new car.
(Stops)That's all I thought up so far.
TINA:Are you sure you're doing that right?
JJ:Of course I'm doin' it right.
TINA:Huh?I wonder why them cowboy poets are so popular.
JJ:(Pluck) I went a walkin'
(Pluck) I walked real far...
(TINA walks off.Play begins)