男女在职场上是否该被区别对待? 这是英语辩论的题目···双面都要准备···求资料!!! 多谢!!!

2022-08-06 教育 103阅读
应该:1.Male and famale have lots of difference in many aspects, like the way of thinking, for example, male workers have more advantage in logic thingkings while famale do better in image thinking. So they should be treated diffferently when being employed.
2.As there are many jobs that require high strengh physical works, male workers are more capable than famale works
3.Famale workers will put more effort in the famlily affaris, thus occupy large energy of them, so they will spend less time than male

不该:1.Male and famale are born equal, famle workers should have the same opportunity to get a work.
2.Treating male and famale fifferently is the symbol of gender discrimination, it should be destroyed in mordern social civilazation.