
2020-05-03 教育 109阅读
On the joyous New Year's Day, a lot of people of area is it stick various kinds of paper-cut 111 paper-cut for window decoration at window to like. The paper-cut for window decoration not only sets off the joyous festive air by contrast but also brought beautiful enjoyment to people, incorporate decorating , appreciating and practicability into an organic whole. The paper-cut is a kind of folk art popularized very much, well received by people through the ages, because it is mostly stuck on the window, people are generally called " the paper-cut for window decoration ". Paper-cut for window decoration is abundant in content, the subject matter is extensive. Because buyers of the paper-cut for window decoration are mostly peasants, the paper-cut for window decoration has suitable contents to display peasant's life, such as cultivating , textile , fishing , shepherd , feeding pigs , raising chickens ,etc.. Except that this, paper-cut for window decoration has subject matter , such as mythical legends , opera story ,etc.. In addition, the images , such as birds and flowers' worm's fish and the 12 years of birth ,etc. are also very common. With peculiar generalization and overstate paper-cut for window decoration tactics behave, decorate festival flourishingly and richly , seething with joy.
新春佳节时,许多地区的人们喜欢在窗户上贴上各种剪纸一一一窗花。窗花不仅烘托了喜庆的节日气氛,而且也为人们带来了美的享受,集装饰性、欣赏性和实用性于一体。 剪纸是一种非常普及的民间艺术,千百年来深受人们的喜爱,因它大多是贴在窗户上的,所以人们一般称其为"窗花"。 窗花的内容丰富、题材广泛。因窗花的购买者多为农民,窗花有相当的内容表现农民生活,如耕种、纺织、打鱼、牧羊、喂猪、养鸡等。除此,窗花还有神话传说、戏曲故事等题材。另外,花鸟虫鱼及十二生肖等形象亦十分常见。 窗花以其特有的概括和夸张手法将吉事祥物、美好愿望表现得淋漓尽致,将节日装点得红火富丽、喜气洋洋。