
2022-07-26 娱乐 69阅读

成龙,1954年4月7日出生于香港中西区,中国香港男演员、导演、动作指导、制作人、编剧、歌手。1971年以武师身份进入电影圈,擅长谐趣风格的动作喜剧片;截至2016年,其主演电影在全球的总票房超过200亿元。他的喜剧功夫电影独辟蹊径、自成一派,从不用替身,摸爬滚打,用生命演绎,这种职业精神令人赞叹,他不但在中国影响巨大,在好莱坞也赢得一席之地。如今成龙获得奥斯卡终身成就奖(Academy Honorary Award)也算是实至名归。


Academic award.

I can’t believe I am still standing here. It is a dream. A long time ago, every year when I watched Oscar with my Dad, my dad always said, “Son, you get so many movie awards around the world, when are you going to get one of these?” Then I just look at my dad, HAHAHA, “Dad I am only make comedy action movies”
Many years later, I came to Hollywood, meeting some big studio, director, friends’ house, Stallon’s house. There was 23 years ago, I see this little thing in his house. I touched it, and kissed it and smelled it. I believe it still had my fingerprints in. Keep it. Then I talked to myself, “I really want one.”
Finally, Sherry calls, I said, “Are you sure?” After 56 years film industry, making more than 200 films, I broke so many bones. Finally, this is mine.
I want to thank you, Hong Kong, incredible city, my hometown, my hood, who make me. China, my country, proud to be Chinese. Thank you Hollywood, for all those years teach me so many things, and also made me a little bit famous, and I thank you, my family my wife Joanne, my son Jaycee. And special Jackie Chen stunt team and this year it’s Jackie Chen stunt team 40-year anniversary.
And all the friends, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, and ladies and gentlemen, and also distinguished guests, and Academy of Motion Picture Art and Science: thank you, thank you, thank you and I want to thank you, who should I thank you, I forget. I still have some dialogue, I forget what I should say. I don’t know. I just,… it’s honor to be here. It’s my honor, thank you.
Oh, Oh, Oh~~Ah~~Last not least, millions of thanks to my friends, fans around the world because of you I have a reason to continue to make movies, jump out of window, kicking and punching, breaking my bone, thank you so much, thank you Oscar. Thank you!
