
2020-10-28 教育 138阅读
A How are you guys doing? Long time no see.
B We are doing great! It's true. we haven't seen you in months.
C. We are planning to visit the world expo. Do you want to join us?
A. Sure. That's exciting!
B Right now. we are on th way to find this travel agency.
C. Do you by any chance know Shenzhou travel agency?
A. Heard of it. but i don't know they have a office around here.
B. We have the address.
A. That's great. Let's ask some people.
C. So are you interested in planning the trip with us?
A. Of course. Maybe we can ask more of our classmates to come?
B. To make it become a class reunion or something?
A. Why not.
C. I agree.
B. OK. let's talk while walking.
A. Do you want something to drink. I will buy us something to drink.
C. OK. Thanks. I want Coke.
B. I just want pure water.
A. Since i live around here. My treat.
C. Thank you. Do you still work for that IT company?
A. Oh. no. I have changed my job.
B. really. Congrats! How is the new job?
A. great. i have more opportunities to be promoted.
C Good for you. Good luck.