
2020-10-29 教育 301阅读
四个人那就Allen Brain Cindy Doris好了。
人设:Allen喜欢流行音乐,关注欧美乐坛;Brain喜欢摇滚,是个愤青;Cindy喜欢乡村音乐,Taylor Swift的脑残粉;Doris比较高冷,都是听Amy Winehouse这种病态爵士的。
Allen: Hi fellas, have you heard that taylor swift broke up with her last boyfriend, again, the other day?
Doris:Come on, knock it off Allen, nobody wants to hear about Taylor Swift anymore, but she is like rash, you can't shake it off.
Cindy: hey hey im sorry, im still here! look, i can't say that taylor is as pure as the other girl, but i can assure you every song she wrote, well although most of them are for her exes , she wrote them by heart.
Brain: like what? we are never ever ever ever ever ever getting back together? how sincere.
Cindy: you never appreciate country music, i get that, but country music is like a breeze in the summer, you guys know that gutair is main instrument right? some research says gutair is the most popular one and the most easy one to learn.
Doris: well, i don't think easy to learn is something you can show off. More easy it is, less mature it could be. you can't expect some extrodinary music comes out of that simple system. pretty much just for fun, and yeah like you said, breeze in the summer, suits well to sweet girls like you though.
Allen:haha, yeah contry music is sweet! nice adjective. i think we should talk about Nirvana, i just heard one song of them, prabobly the most famous one...
Brain: Smell like teen spirit?
Allen: yeah, have to say pal, you are the expert.
