Ain't no passing craze 是什么意思呀》

2022-08-10 教育 46阅读
"ain't no passing craze" means "isn't a short-lived fad".
He is saying that 'Hakuna matata' is going to exist for a long time.
"Hakuna matata" is a Swahili phrase; roughly translated, it means "no worries". It is formed by the words hakuna (there is not here) and matata (plural form of problem).
意思为 不是一时的流行或狂热,在Hakuna Matata这首歌里指无忧无虑的生活态度将一直保持。
Hakuna matata 来自非洲东部的斯瓦希里语,大概意思就是 不用担心/没有烦恼,hakuna指”没有“,matata指”问题/烦恼“。