歌词翻译 枪花-you ain't the first

2020-10-27 教育 143阅读
i tried so hard just to get through to you 我努力想让你明白
but your head's so far 但你的心是如此之
from the realness of truth 离现实那样遥远
was it just a come on in the dark 只是在黑暗中偶尔一现吗
wasn't meant to last long 难道不打算持久下去吗
i think you've worn your welcome honey 我想你已经厌倦了你那受青睐的玩意
i'll just see you along as i sing you this song 当我给你唱这支歌时我就看到你
time can pass slowly 时间可以过的很慢
things always change 事情总是改变
your day's been numbered 你的时日已经不多
and i've read your last page 我已经看了你的结束语
you was just a temporary lover 你只是一个临时情人
honey you ain't the first 亲爱的你不是第一个
lots of others came before you woman 在你之前还有好多别人来过
said but you been the worst 要说你可是最糟糕的一个
sa' you been the worst 说你是最糟糕的一个
so goodbye to you girl 所以再见了姑娘
so long,farewell 再见,再见
i can't hear you cryin' 我听不得你哭泣
your jivin's been hell 你的裙摆只是痛苦的的深渊
so look for me walkin' 所以希望得到我的到来
down your street at night 深夜来到你的那条街上
i'll be in with another 我要跟另外一个一起来到
deep down inside 内心深处
deep down inside 内心深处