
2020-10-28 教育 104阅读
First of all, I would like to thank your company for supporting and coordinating our company all the way. I hope that we can further expand our cooperation in future.
Recently, we received a patent infringement complaint about X product from you competitor. In order to avoid any possible patent risks, we have started an internal review process. During this period, the related department in our company has analyzed and discussed patent documents and lawyer's letters provided by your company in detail, and concluded that it is unlikely that you
have infringed their product. We also think that your company is capable of protecting our compary's rights concerning the patent problem. Therefore, we decieded in this afternoon's meeting that orders in H1 factory could be delivered as normal. But, please understand that, owing to an change in our fabrication process, delivery of the X products may be delayed. Thank you!
