
2023-05-18 综合 36阅读
  一个人只有一生,是选择丰富了人生,是册嫌选择让自己的人生与众不同,是选择让我成为一种人,是选择让我体会酸甜苦辣。我应该珍惜自己的选择,人生只有一次,我要让我的人生属于我自己,而不是我的人生,别人选择! 人生就是选择,每个人的选择不同,便有了不同的人生。一种选择会是一种活法,一种州凯手选择会换回许多种体会。人有许多次选择,但是选择之后便不会再从头开始,即使可以从选择之后再选择。

  Life is a choice, everybody's different choices and will have a different life. A kind of choice is a life-style, a choice to change back into many kinds of experience. People have many times choice, but choose after they won't start all over again, even can choose then choose from.
  Only when a person lifetime, is to choose the enriched life is choose to live a life is different, choose let me become a kind of person, is choice makes me feel suantiankula. I should cherish own choice, life only have once, I will make my life belongs to myself, not my life, others choice! Life is a choice, everybody's different choices and will have a different life. A kind of choice is a life-style, a choice to change back into many kinds of experience. People have many times choice, but choose after they won't start all over again, even can choose then choose from.
