请将这段话翻译成英语,不要有道…… 第一个 现状 随着高校扩招以后毕业生人数创出新高,大学生就业形

2020-06-21 教育 132阅读
The first status quo
With college enrollment after record high number of graduates, college students grim employment situation year after year. . The number of graduates in 2009 was 6.11 million, the number of unemployed to 2,000,000. The number of graduates in 2010 was 6.3 million, the number of unemployed was 2.35 million. Students due to human capital due to government, social, family and individual long-term investment in human capital, human resources idle college students resulted in a waste of human resources, but also the accumulation of social instability, the current construction of a harmonious society is extremely detrimental . Graduates Employment and difficult year after year, has become a real problem to be solved. The number of college graduates in 2013 was 6.99 million, the data to new highs this summer, touted by the media as "the hardest job in the history of season." In 2014, there are 7.27 million college graduates. The most difficult season in the history of employment "such words recently become a household name in China. In accordance with data from China Human Resources and Social Security, the number of college graduates this year will reach 6.99 million, which is the largest since a year since. And so data terrible problem is inseparable employment rate of university. the latest data released by the Beijing Education Commission, Beijing college graduates, only 33.6 percent of the work signed, more than five percent in April. At the same time, Tencent recent MyCOS report shows that job prospects for college graduates frustrating.