
2020-08-22 教育 44阅读
美国纽约州立大学水牛城分校退休华裔物理学荣誉教授林良多(Duo-Liang Lin)在美国《华盛顿邮报》上发表了一首英文诗《你们究竟要我们怎样生存?》,随后在互联网上热传并引起中西方网友热议。《What Do You Really Want from Us?》 When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril. When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat. When we closed our doors, yousmuggled drugs to open markets. When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs. When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share. When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!